John Slade Ely House, Center for Contemporary Art
New Haven, CT
Duraclears, antique sewing and card tables, thread, Polaroids, works on paper
Site-specific installation, 200 square feet
In her exhibition, A Tinge, Yarrington establishes a ritualistic space which functions as both a site installation and a working studio for the production of new works on paper. This sited piece is comprised of three major components interconnected both physically and metaphorically by their placement within the space. Two of the components face each other. One is a sewing table, circa mid 1800s, on which rests a variety of needles, threads, tape and ribbon and the second is a silk-covered art deco card table which supports slides, Polaroids, and a Vivitar Slide Maker. The third component, transparent photographs housed in the windows of the gallery, mediate the sun's light during the day thereby producing a series of projections on the floors, walls, and furniture of the space. These slow moving images provide the symbolic "tinge" alluded to in the title.