Proposal for Philipse Manor, MTA Metro North Station, New York
Six faceted glass windows, each 3' x 4'
The proposed artwork for the Philipse Manor Station is to be comprised of six 3' x 4' faceted glass windows on the south façade of the upper walkway that connects the north and south bound train platforms. The work is to be seen as a series in which the girders separating each of the three pairs of windows function as the spine between two pages each of an opened book. The movable windows on either side of the stationary project windows might suggest, by their opening and closing, a motion similar to that used when viewing a book (note panel #1, labeled Main View -- Daytime).
The location of the artwork within the walkway offers not only an intimate setting for display but its elevation provides a unique vantage point for viewing from a variety of locations - the interior of the walkway, from both the north and southbound train platforms, and from The Hudson Valley Writers' Center. It was the location and the interplay of these interior and exterior vantage points for viewing that led to the development of the work's concept.