Museum of Glass, International Center for Contemporary Art, Tacoma, Washington
Photographic Duraclear
24' x 60'
Site photography by Lara Swimmer
Louis Kahn wrote that architecture is the threshold between silence and light. Jo Yarrington overtly and magically provides a transformational passage through that threshold in her installation, Lavabo, an epic project commissioned by the Museum of Glass for the exhibition Transparently Built: A Group Show of Glass Installations. Developed over a two year period specifically for the Museum, this sited piece transforms the main entrance into a potent work of art that is both captivating and hypnotic as it dynamically marks the transition between private and public space. Visitors to the museum now enter a place that is in a constant state of change, subtly altered by seasonal shifting light. Within this transparent membrane provided by the installed work, a new dimension is defined--it is a space in which to hover delicately between the known and unknown, the real and the imagined...a place to both learn and dream. Yarrington is without question a vital, creative power, able to transform space, stimulate our minds, and conjure emotions. She will continue to enchant us, thoughtfully and attentively.
Rosanna Sharpe
Director of Curatorial Affairs
Museum of Glass