The Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine
New York, NY
Photographic Duraclear
Site photography by Cathy Carver
Referencing traditional stained glass windows with its allusion to transcendence through illumination, this seemingly singular photographic image of two figures beneath a spider in its web is comprised of 780 separate sections which have been attached to the leaded clear glass panels. A PrioriPhotographic Duraclear
The bays on either side of the Nave between the outermost aisle and the inner piers give visitors a chance to literally move through the walls of the Cathedral. Picking up on this intersection of body and architecture, two sequenced transparent photographic images, installed directly across from each other in the church bays, document hands weaving in and out of an iron cruciform shape. Encased within a circle, these images of hands make reference to activating innate knowledge through the intermediation of body, symbol and stone.