City Wide Open Studios Alternative Space, Yale West Campus
Found microfiche film altered in 35mm slide projection, in stacks on shelves, and mounted to window, dimensions variable
Site photography and video by John Perez
For the projected slides, window collages and discreet bundles weighed out on a scale and placed on metal shelves, a sampling of microfiche was selected from salvaged materials collected during a 2018 libricide of 160 boxes of microfiche and microfilm at Fairfield University. The journals scanned on microfiche include the Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences; Gifted Child Today; Education and Urban Society; Education Administration Quarterly; Environment and Behavior; and Crime and Delinquency.
The installation, a collaboration by sound artist and Fairfield alumnus, Nick Shifrin and interdisciplinary artist and Fairfield Professor Jo Yarrington offer a room in which to reflect on the weight of knowledge and the marketing of academics.