Conducere, 2007
Submitted Proposal for H.H. Ellis Technical High School, Danielson, Connecticut
Architectural Consultant: Brian Rippel, RSVP Studios.
The proposed artwork for the H. H. Ellis Technical High School incorporates kinetic components activated by natural and artificial light. Based on the idea of a conduit and meant to evoke the energy of currents of electricity or water pulsing from the ground, around and into the building and up into the sky, transparent photographic images will link a reflecting pool, a lens-like insert into the sloped canopy at the entrance, and alternating exterior windows in public areas such as the administrative offices, entrance areas, and cafeteria. The proposed work continues into the building's interior with inset backlit photographic panels discreetly placed near the entrance, in the cafeteria, and in the Media Center.
In the interior hallway near the entrance, two video projections on the floor and three subtle sound elements hidden in the walls would discreetly underscore the work's cadence and ephemeral presence.